Theatre madness in Chile

This happened a few weeks ago while I was in Santiago, Chile for a few days:
One night my friend took me to the opening of an independent film festival that he was a part of. We showed up around 8:30 (the time the movie and event were scheduled to start) and, of course, everything is running behind. We figured there would be drinks and appetizers served while waiting, but instead they only had red bull girls passing out endless supplies of red bull to everyone. Now, I want you to picture this: a room of about 100-200 Indy type Chileans all pounding red bulls (Everyone had on average two red bulls). Everyone is getting antsy and amped up standing there waiting in a room that’s packed with the doors to the theatre on one side.
After an hour there, the doors finally open up and holy sh*t, I then realized how awful an idea it was to hand out red bull in this situation. Everyone rushed to the door in a stampede form, with no remorse for others. I honestly felt like I was in San Fermín and the bulls were rounding the corner to maul us (something I’ve always died to do). We finally got in and seated, only to realize that they have about 50 more people than seats. This goes very well with the hyped up, red bull crazy eyed Chileans and they have discussions for another 20 minutes. Finally everyone just sits in the aisles and the place is literally packed. I just sat back, laughed, and prayed that there wasn’t going to be any kind of natural disaster or fire…just try and picture that scene…

Here’s an idea of what it felt like: (I guess I could mark Pamplona off my “To See List”)

San Fermin
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